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Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to get your husband to tell you to take a nap.

Apparently I have stumbled onto a marvelous way to get a nap in. I aggravated my husband. Now, I have to admit that it was not done on purpose. In fact, I, didn't think that I was cranky at all but my husband did. So when we got home from shopping he tucked me in and gave me a kiss. Did I need the nap? Yes!!! Did I know that I needed a nap? No. But after sleeping for three solid hours I woke up in a much better mood. I am very glad that I didn't do what my sinful side was telling me to do and argue and fight it. I could have fought the issue and stayed up. I could have pitched a hissy fit. I mean, how dare he be so condescending to me and treat me like a toddler? I was a grown up! (All this was played out in my head and finished off with a stomp of my foot.)

So, yes, I have found a great way to be put down for a nap but I wouldn't recommend trying it since I felt quite foolish and juvenile after waking up and realizing how immature and cranky I had acted.
I am very thankful that Daniel is the head of our home. He always has our best interest in his heart and in his head.  I'm pretty fond of him in fact.

All that being said, I came across a quote today that made a great deal of sense to me. It was this:

“It [feminism] is mixed up with a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands.”
G.K. Chesterton

In the scripture it says that a woman is a help meet. (And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Gen. 2:18)  I believe that I was created just for my husband and that he was created just for me. He watches over me, protects me, loves me, makes me laugh, supports me as much as he can in all of my hopes and dreams, sacrifices things for me, gives me a reality check when I need it and some days he even puts me down for a nap. In other words, he meets my needs.  In return I love him, look after him, make him laugh, support him to the best of my ability, sacrifice things for him, and sometimes I even put him down for a nap.  That is the way it works. If you want your marriage to work, you have to leave the thought of 50/50 behind. Marriage is both partners giving 100% each and every day.
Feminism is an ugly lie that tells women that by taking care of their home and family that they are worthless. Feminism tells women that they are only worth something if they are equal with men.  I have news for ya. God himself created us equal. We each have our essential parts to play to keep the family/world spinning. Each of the sexes have something to do on this earth or things get horribly out of balance. I definitely don't feel worthless by staying at home and taking care of the lives of everyone around me. If I wasn't around chaos would soon follow. I know this as a fact. I took a job outside of my home for a month about a year ago and our home suffered for it. My husband did a great job with the kids but the house cleaning and laundry piled up and organization went out the window. My hat is off to Mothers that have to work outside of the home. I really don't know how they do it.

And don't even get me started about the fact that there is not a man out there that would volunteer to give birth. I know that my husband would not. Just ask around if you don't believe me. Men don't even want to hear birth stories. The women that I know though, sit around and tell our birth stories like they are war stories. The men clear the room pretty quickly when the stories start. We women battle sleepless nights long before the first contraction and we do it with a grace that a man could never muster.

Men are their own miracles. They are created to protect, provide, and love. Most men are very logical and technical beings. They are serious and don't get wrapped up in all the drama and emotion that women have issues with. Then you place a newborn in their arms and they melt. They are usually soft when it counts but at the same time can be fiercely on guard. Yes they sleep more soundly as a new father than a new mother normally does but remember that he does have to wake up early and provide. He might not do things exactly as perfect as you think you do when he is caring for the kids but you have to step back and realize that he is learning his way too. It might not be your way but he is pouring just as much love into your children as you do. Men are essential just the way God created them. Any dumbing down of their manliness will not result in a better man. Just look around America today to see the example of what feminism has done to the country.

My point is this: Women, don't act bossy and tough like a man and then ask why your husband doesn't treat you like a woman. He is just treating you as an equal. So unless you want to open your own doors and carry your own heavy stuff, start acting like a lady.

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